2017.10.23 - 11.2
Hiroshi Fujimatsu
Paintings and Drawings Exhibition
藤松博 ペインティング&ドローイング展

Bottle / oil on canvas / 61 x 80 cm / 1968
Bottle / oil on canvas / 61 x 80 cm / 1968
Traveler 3 / oil on canvas / 61 x 80 cm / 1978
Traveler 3 / oil on canvas / 61 x 80 cm / 1978



HIRO GALLERY, Ginza Tokyo held an exhibition of paintings and drawings by Hiroshi Fujimatsu, an artist of post-war era in Japan who dedicated himself to his own artistic thesis.


Hiroshi Fujimatsu had gotten a high reputation in the Yomiuri Independent exhibition, then went abroad to the US and spent 2 and a half years in New York, the city at the height of the Pop Art and Action Painting. Returning to Japan and drew limited motifs repeatedly, being apart from any artistic groups or activities, he intently deepened his expression.


"It seems to me that what are found in the paintings by Hiroshi Fujimatsu are human figures that diffuse and melt into the space. […] Isn’t it that he is interested not in the shape of the human body, but in the representation of the consciousness which float and spread in the universe? [From "Traveler of the consciousness" by Yusuke Nakahara, INAX ART NEWS, No.71, 1988]"


His importance in Art History has re-evaluated in recent years, including a large retrospective exhibition in Matsumoto City Museum of Art, 2013.



Hiroshi Fujimatsu Paintings and Drawings Exhibition



Term: October 23 [mon] - November 2 [thu], 2017 ※Closed on Sundays

Hours: 10:00 – 19:00 [Saturdays 10:00 – 18:30]

東京・銀座 ヒロ画廊にて、戦後美術界で独自の表現を貫いた藤松博(1922-1996)のペインティング&ドローイング展を開催いたしました。




「藤松博の絵画に見られるのは、空間のなかへ拡散、溶解してゆく人間像のように思われる。(中略)関心は人体の形ではなく、宇宙に浮遊し、拡散する意識の形象化に向っているのではあるまいか。〈中原佑介《意識の旅人(『INAX ART NEWS』No.71, 1988年)》より〉」







会場:東京・銀座 ヒロ画廊

会期:2017. 10.23 (月) - 11.2 (木) ※日曜休廊

時間:10:00 - 19:00(土曜は18:30まで)




  • 壜 / 油彩、キャンバス / 61 x 80 cm / 1968
  • 旅人3 / 油彩、キャンバス / 61 x 80 cm / 1978年