2024.5.1 - 7.28


Auwa, beginning of the wave and apophenia
Part 1: re-habilis   HIRO GALLERY IZUOKAWA

第一部:re-habilis   ヒロ画廊伊豆大川

This exhibition has ended. Thank you very much for your visit!



HIRO GALLERY IZUOKAWA is pleased to present Ryo Shimizu's (1977- ) first solo exhibition in six years, who focuses on the relationship between space and its background, and mainly uses letters in his works.


HIRO GALLERY IZUOKAWA opened in 2017 as an annex of HIRO GALLERY (Ginza, Tokyo) in Higashi Izu-cho, Shizuoka Prefecture, surrounded by the sea, mountains, and rivers.

The gallery introduces mainly conceptual contemporary art, including large-scale installations in an exhibition space flooded with abundant natural light.


In this exhibition, Shimizu will present a two-part installation based on his ongoing research and exploration of the topography, flora, and fauna of the Izu Peninsula since 2020, which will also explore the merits and demerits of the invention of letters or the people before letters. It will inspect the "form" behind the letters and languages used in daily life.


The first part, "re-habilis," is built around Shimizu's experience of his transformation during his three-month Kamiyama Artist-in-Residence program last year, during which he explored the mountains of the Tsurugi-san range and created works during his stay, and is interwoven with a consideration of the Ama-no-Iwato story in the Kiki mythology. 


The second part, "a practitioner," which will begin in the fall, will expand on the content of the first part and combine it with Shimizu's ongoing research and exploration of the topography, flora, and fauna of the Izu Peninsula, which he has been conducting since 2020, will utilize the following as clues: the landscapes of the Izu Peninsula, historical sites, myths and legends, and place names such as Kamo and Naga. Then, he will combine various forms of expression, such as video, voice, structures, stones, collected objects, light, heat, magnetic fields, thermal environment changes, etc., and will develop an installation based on the magical elements of texts.


This will be Ryo Shimizu's second solo exhibition, following "something about a room not having a floor" in 2018. Please enjoy this one-time-only exhibition, which delves deeply into and expresses the Izu Peninsula from a unique perspective.




Auwa, beginning of the wave and apophenia

Part 1: re-habilis



185-1 Okawa, Higashiizucho, Kamo, Shizuoka, Japan 413-0301

Term: May 1 [Wed] - July 28 [Sun]

Open: Fri - Sun, Hol [Closed: Mon - Thu]

※ Open every day until May 6

Hours: 12:00 - 17:00

Tel: +81-3-3574-0545 

Access: 8 minutes on foot from Izuokawa Station Google Maps


Schedule of the artist's presence in the gallery:

May 25 [Sat],

June 1 [Sat], 9 [Sun], 22 [Sat], 29 [Sat],

July 6 [Sat], 12 [Fri], 20 [Sat], 27 [Sat], 28 [Sun]



Ryo SHIMIZU Artist Page

Ryo SHIMIZU Official Website

Exhibition Views 会場風景

空間とその背景との関係性に着目し、主に文字を用いた作品を制作する清水玲(しみず・りょう 1977 - )の6年ぶりの個展をヒロ画廊伊豆大川にて開催いたします。







秋から始まる第二部「a practitioner」では、第一部の内容を発展させ、清水が2020年から継続している伊⾖半島各地での地形や動植物の調査、踏査とを重ね合わせ、伊豆半島各地の風景、各地の史跡、神話や伝承、賀茂、那賀といった地名を⼿掛かりに、映像や声、構造物や石、収集物、光や熱、磁場、温熱環境の変化等、様々な表現形態を組み合わせながら、⽂字の持つ呪術的要素を題材にしたインスタレーションを展開します。


清水玲の個展は2018年の「something about a room not having a floor」に続き2度目となります。伊豆半島を独自の視点で深く掘り下げて表現した、一度限りの展示をぜひご高覧くださいませ。



清水玲 個展「波の始まりとアポフェニア」



会場:ヒロ画廊伊豆大川(〒413-0301 静岡県賀茂郡東伊豆町大川185-1)

会期:2024年5月1日 [水] - 7月28日 [日]

営業日:金・土・日・祝   ※ 5月6日まで無休

営業時間:12:00 - 17:00


電話: 03-3574-0545(本番号にてご案内いたします)

アクセス:伊豆急行伊豆大川駅徒歩8分 Google マップ








