From 15 November 1979 to 13 January 1980, Albertina National Museum of Art, Vienna, Austria organized Chimei Hamada Exhibition where self-nominated 100 copper prints were displayed. This exhibition was also shown at Graz State Museum of Modern Art, Graz, Austria. Albertina is a world-famous museum which owns over a million printings and sixty thousand drawings, known for its rich collections including Albrecht Dürer, Michelangelo Buonarroti, Pieter Bruegel the Elder or Gustav Klimt. It was the first exhibition by a Japanese artist.
A famous art historian and the museum director, Walter Koschatzky, contribute to the catalogue for the exhibition as below.
Art is a language that crosses borders. The problems of the people in our world find through the artist that condensing representation that is understood everywhere.
Thus we welcome the exhibition of Chimei Hamada's graphic works arranged for us by the Japan Foundation and the Japanese Embassy in Vienna, in the certainty that we also understand the content of his works.
The graphic arts have a great tradition in Japan, which we in our country also appreciate very much.
Dr Walter Koschatzky
1979年11月15日から1980年1月13日にかけ、アルベルティーナ国立素描版画美術館(ウィーン・オーストリア)、州立近代美術館 ヨアネム・ノイエギャラリー(グラーツ・オーストリア)主催による浜田知明展が開催されました。アルベルティーナ国立素描版画美術館は100万枚を超える版画と6万点を超える素描を所蔵する世界有数の美術館です。デューラーやミケランジェロ、ブリューゲルやクリムトの充実したコレクションでも知られ、日本人として初の展覧会となった本展では作家による自選100点が展示されました。