We held a solo exhibition of Michela Pedron, an Italian artist, at the Shokoji Temple, Tateshina, Nagano.
Shokoji Temple was founded in 1970 for praying road safety, and the chief priest is Mr. Shuin Matsukubo, who is also the Elder Priest of Yakushiji Temple, Nara. It might seem that Temple and Contemporary art have no relationship, but they have a common purpose as “getting a new insight without any prejudice, apart from daily life.” This exhibition came into reality by Mr. Matsukubo, who has a deep understanding on both eastern and western art.
Michela Pedron was born in Trento, Italy in 1980. Graduating from the Venice School of Fine Arts, she currently works and lives in Venice and Trento. Making artworks in some motifs consistently, she tries to capture and depict the whole outline of the contemporary world.
Isn’t it true that a lot of people who live in this age are toyed with by too much information, make decisions from prejudices and spend a life far from the true value? Michela Pedron, the Italian artist who will hold an exhibition in Shokoji Temple, expresses this kind of message through her works. She chooses some typical motifs that have both extreme images such as a Deer [the messenger of god, and the symbol of conceit or vanity in Europe] or a Crow [the messenger of god, and the symbolic animal of misfortune]. But what is the true nature of these animals? Her art works make us consider how we understand everything through strong biases.
Using kitsch and pop color scheme, with humor and sarcasm, Michela Pedron produces surprising artworks that make us urge to reconsider the true value and the various borders of the world and the society. Including new works, we exhibited two-dimensional and three-dimensional artworks with her special technique in this exhibition.
Michela Pedron Exhibition
August Augury
Term: August 10 [Fri] – September 2 [Sun], 2018
Hours Open: 9:00 - 17:00
Venue: Shokoji Temple, Tateshina, Nagano
Address: Tateshinakogen 4035, Chino-shi, Nagano [Google Map]
Tel: 0266-67-2397
Organized by Shokoji Temple, Tateshina, Nagano
Curated by HIRO GALLERY, Ginza Tokyo
蓼科山聖光寺は、 昭和45年創建の交通安全祈願の寺として知られ、現在は奈良薬師寺長老の松久保秀胤氏が住職を務められています。お寺と現代美術は一見無関係にも思えますが、「日常を離れ、先入観に囚われない新しい気づきを得る」という根本的な目的が共通しており、洋の東西を問わず芸術に造詣が深い松久保住職の尽力によって本展は実現いたしました。
現代に生きる多くの人は、多すぎる情報に翻弄され、先入観により物事を判断し、本質から外れた人生を送りがちではないでしょうか。今回蓼科にある聖光寺にて個展を開催するイタリアのアーティスト、ミケーラ・ペドロンはそうした本質に気付くことの重要性を、作品を通したメッセージとして表現しています。作品には人間が作り出した両極端なイメージを持つ鹿や(神の使いとして崇められる反面、ヨーロッパではうぬぼれや、虚構のイメージも持つ)カラス(同じく神の使いと崇められる一方で、不吉な動物としてのイメージを併せ持つ)などが題材として選ばれ、描かれていますが、果たしてこれらの動物の本質は実際にはどうでしょうか? いかに固定観念によって本質から離れて、言い換えれば偏見を持って物事を捉えているかを改めて考えさせられます。
"August Augury - 8月の兆し"
会期:2018年8月10日 [金] 〜 9月2日 [日]
時間:9:00 - 17:00
会場:蓼科山聖光寺 [※入場無料]
住所:長野県茅野市蓼科高原4035(Google Map)