Urns for Conclave(Election for New Pontiff)
Cecco Bonanotte

3 Urns (ballot boxes) to cast ballots for the election of new Pontiff Conclave in the Sistina’s Chapel

2005 / silver, bronze / ø60、57、40cm / Sistina’s Chapel[Vatican]


For the conclave that took place in the Sistine Chapel on the passing away of John Paul II, Cecco Bonanotte created three sculptural ballot boxes.


John Paul II served as the long-standing Pope since 1978. He is an iconic figure in the Catholic world, known for his visits to more than 100 countries and for being very active in interacting with other religions and cultures. It was also a great honor for the sculptor to create a ballot box to elect the chief executive of the Catholic Church, which has more than 1.2 billion congregants worldwide.


Each of the three ballot boxes has a different role. The first is to hold the completed ballots, the second is to transfer the votes whose contents have been verified, and the third is a locked box to collect ballots by cardinals who are difficult to get to the polling place due to illness. The ballot boxes, created by Bonanotte, are delicate and elegant bronze sculptures that evoke a sense of grand outer space despite its small size.


These ballot boxes are used not only this time but also every time a new Pope is elected (it was also used at the 2013 conclave).










システィーナ礼拝堂内にて行われる コンクラーベ(次期法王選出会議)のための三つの彫刻による投票箱

2005年  / 銀、ブロンズ / ø60、57、40cm(上から) / システィーナ礼拝堂(ヴァチカン市国)